Right with the suicidal stuff asside -and I know I wrote that wrong, so BITE ME! - would like to draw attention to the fact that I have a new pic in my CLICK ME section entitled 'WHAT IS HAIDO DOING?' yes...you heard that right 'WHAT IS HAIDO DOING?'...need I repeat it again to be an annoying game show host person? 'WHAT IS HAIDO DOING?' he he he...ehem, well the purpose of this new pick -and yeeeeees, there is a purpose- is that it shall be the first in my launch of a new THANG on my blog! I is calling it a THANG coz i is not knowing what else to call it...well actually, perhaps we can call it 'A BIZZARE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION FOR THE COMMUNAL RANT BOARD' coz the communal rant board has been pitiful lately and we need some bizzare-ness...and how does it work? Why I thought u'd never ask, I'll tell u: Every week I post a new pic of Haido doing something unintelligible and everyone makes a suggestion as to what it could possibly be, in the communal rant board...then we all have a big arguement over what could be the closest guess ...and perhaps these beneficial discussions will eventually enable us to grasp the meaning and wisdom in the ways of the Haido, and we, my good friends, may one day see the light!
Ok there is this annoying middle-aged looking asian guy using the printer across me and he's stickin his thumb in his jeans pocket, and hes running his fingers through his hair and trying to catch my eye, but I am ignoring him and he is PISSING ME OFF so I will go now.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago