Day: I don't know. It's sumin between today and tomorrow.
Time: 1:38 (and thats not in English...its 1:38 in the morning)
Location: now where could I possibly be at an un-godly hour such as this?
Why no sleepy??: Non of ur bloody buisness!
....say, lets pull a Shakila? dis gonna be interresting!
Mood: Unsure...not of my mood...just unsure.
Why?: Unsure.
Status: In pain
Why?: Bad buzz..hurtsing ears:(
Music: Jiyuu e no shoooutaiiii wo..da daaa...iiiiitsuuu moooo, ume kuri kana..yada yada...something unintelegibly Japanese, I'm sure I'd understand it better if it weren't for the Osaka accent.
Why?: Why Osaka accent? or why am I listening to J-rock? Be more specific..idiot.
Appearance: scruffy. in mismatched Pj's. Pj bottoms have been dyed an ugly lung colour pink...(shudders)
Why?: Coz I put them in the wash with my Orange skirt, which is now ruined beyond wearability.
Why?: coz someone put the evil eye on it.
Why?: coz it was lovely and I'm surrounded by insolent people who don't know how to say 'mashallah'.
Why?: Ok, you've rinsed it now, change the question.
Man of the moment: Hyde.
Why?: coz he lookin especially hot in this videao clip...even if he does keep goin outa tune and launching into a high pitched squeel every so often.
Deep thoughts: ..I should not have had those profitrolls.
Why?: A pox o' your inquisitiveness. piss off!
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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