Time: 20:00.
Location: Uncle's house.
Sounds: A lot of Cypriots talking loudly about...hang on...(listens)...their disputing the ownership of an object unknown to me because I am in another room...yes, Cypriots naturally speak very loud, even when they are not arguing or drunk.
Feeling: Vague discomfort after a very unnerving meal.
Why? Can someone tell me why (??) is it that my non-Muslim friends who don't know jack about Islam, readily respect the fact that I do not consume some things, and yet my extended family have to start some hoo-haa over the fact that I won't eat the meat I am served because, not only did I already have some qualms about its halal-ness but finding out that it was cooked marrinating in red wine, simply tipped the domino. Which I might add, I find out after it's put in my plate, because although I was made to believe it was bought from Turks (hence qualifying as halal, duh!), after having inquired, apparently it didn't occur to them at all that the red wine would bother me.
So I've hid myself away in my uncles office, to flee, if only momentarily, fromg having to endure the discomfort of aloofly sitting with them, and representing, with every aspect of my out-of-place presence, everything they have rejected with every aspect of their living.
Yeah, I think I would have perferred spending Eid alone in my flat, as tragic as that senario would have been, I tink it beats this.
So what am I preoccupying myself with? That new Chinese film- 'House of Flying Daggers' (yeah I KNOW it's got a stupid name OKAY! Sheesh, It's Chinese for God's sake, give it a break) thats coming out this Christmas...OH MY GOD I JUST WATCHED THE TRAILER AND IT LOOKS SO GOOD! And why, I hear u ask am I especially excited about this Chinky film, Post-CrouchingTigerDissapointment, and even when I didn't give a crap when Hero came out?...One word (nah actually, make that two): Takeshi Kaneshiro! (wild cheering) Yes, my Saimecanii, I can see u grinning with glee and squeeling with excitment even from London, and the rest of the world heard u.
And now I shall change the subject...I can hear my cousin asking his sis where I am...must keep quiet...man that kid's voice is breaking big time, soon I gotta start covering my hair in front of him..HAA! IMAGINE THE HOO-HAA THEN! HA HA HA HAA HAAaaa... how pathetic. huh? whats that I hear...kids are watching Chicago..hang on, I've never actually seen that film, but how suitable is it for children? ah, screw that, last time I had to endure watching Friends with them, and Rachel was giving birth and everything, of course, knowing my luck Koray (male cousin, breaking voice) asks me:'Sevim Abla, what does dilate mean?' FOR GOD'S SAKE, EVEN I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT IT BLOODY MEANT UNTILL I WAS SUBJECTED TO THAT BLASTED EPISODE, AND I HAVE THIS KID ASK ME!
Ok, I'm going now...feeling queasy...me no likey all this birth talk (goes paler, if thats possible).
Me gonna see that trailer again now :)
Bye Bye.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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