I am back! -after 2 weeks of essay writing, and I would like to declare, to all of you who love me (though I'd be damned if I know why) that I am alive and still remarkably sane in the 'what wit he has is as dry as the last biscute at the end of a journey' (don't 'what tha?' me, I'm attempting to quote from the bard here!) kinda way :) ...and speaking of the bard, towards the end of my cruel, solitary confinement, and among other things like smiling to myself and making up people in my mind to speak to, I started finding Shakespeare increadibly funny. picture this, from Troilus and Cressida- the Last Act, and Hector, the merciful hero, is out on the battlefeild looking for his next worthy oponant to fight with, and he finds Thersites, a cynical slave, who hasn't done much but rail, throughout the entire play.
HECTOR: What art thou, greek? Art thou for Hector's match?
Art thou of blood and honour?
THERSITES: No, no, I am a rascal, a scurvy railing knave, a very filthy rogue.
HECTOR: I do believe thee- live.
HA HA HA HAAAA!...HAA HAAA..HA HA HA HAAaaaa..ok FINE I shut up, just quit staring at me like that..jeez.
So any way, whats been up since I was away hmm? Nothing new, whats been up with Elest?..oh I thought you'd never ask, I'll tell you. During these past 2 weeks elest has:
- been initiated into the unfortunate group of individuals who are so direly beyond help and hope in their obsession for O.C., by no other than Tas- thanx man, I owe u one!
- Watched James Bond and watched James Bond and watched James Bond- until; she memorised all the dialogue.
- Ordered some manga which turned out to be so imensely shi- crap, words fall short of expressing it.
- Started finding Goldfinger disturbingly charismatic- "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" -in spite of his complete un-attractiveness!
- recieved a letter from the embassy of Japan calling her for an interview on the 21st AAAAAARGH!
- Eaten 2 tubs of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream.
- ..and (brace youselves for her greatest achievement yet...drum roll) Screwed up her hair in an attempt to bleach it white. (Ta da!)
...Yes, the blasted thing has gone and turned blond- and not just bimbo blond, but a blond which would need a very good lawyer in a court of law, if it was ever accused of being vaguely orange. In fact it's the colour of Hyde's bad bleach job in the 'Forbidden Lover' video clip (For those of you who've been fortunate enough never to have been subjected to it, I'll try to find a pic and post it here, so u can see.)- which leads me to think that this is some form of divine retribution, coz of all those time I took the piss outa Hyde. In fact, you know the last time my hair got screwed up was also his fault to! Damn everything that goes wrong with my hair is HIS FAULT!
In any case, and seeing as we are on the subject of Hyde, I'd like to draw your attention to a product of my time wasted on this Blog: the Click Me section, has now been transformed into the Adventures of Hyde section- since my last idea didnt seem all too popuular. As of today, I will post different pictures of little Haido getting up to all manner of interresting things. My aim is to make u smile! :) ..so let me know if it aint working. and if anyone finds any funny pictures which are begging to be complimented with a caption (and they don't have to be Hyde, I intend to broaden my horizons eventually) please feel free to pass it on so I can post it here :) thanx :)
ok. me thinks me should get a move on now, coz I'm going over to my Grandma's and if I turn up late, grandpa will not be a happy Cypriot bunny. So until next time my friends. Take care of yourselves and your hobbitses.
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