- Ideally I would like to start off by saying something in regards to Monday 14th, however an encounter with a certain individual a few days ago reminded me that wallpapers have ears, thus I shall be as quiet, quiet, quiet as a little quiet church mouse hiding in the vestry from the pervy priest. However, those of you who already know will understand when I do this: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
- Ehem...so, since I can't say anything in regards to Monday, I could instead start off by saying that the last blog I wrote pissed me off immensely by disappearing before I could publish it.
- But I won't.
- How is this for randomness: the night before last I got a call from Tarik. Just innit.
- And this: The contents of my refiridgerator (and I know I've spelt it wrong, I did it on purpose u see) amounts to slice cheese, 3 cartons of Innocent fruit smoothie (Shut up, I had to stock up when they were half price) and a lemon :) This tells me I should probably go grocery shopping.
- Perhaps I should start thinking about going today...what say you stomach? Hmmm, it growls: You'd best get some basic sustenance soon before I start consuming my own walls you irresponsible dimwit. And I don't like your hair!
- Yes, stomach has touched on a good point...The 'need-to-make-drastic-changes-to-my-life' mood has hit the shores of that fickle thing that is Elest's temperaments again.
- Thus on Monday I got 2 more piercings. We are now 6 piercings and counting. Heh heh heh!...though really I have no reason to chuckle idiotly about at this point in time because THEY HURT!
- And I am giving some serious thought to dying my hair purple.
- And no, I did not do the Boy George thing (yet), so anyone who intends to get married this summer (of which there are so many of you, that I'm beginning to suspect it is all just a ploy to spite me) don't worry, I shant be ruining the happiest day of your life by showing up with rock star hair that so doesn't go with the sari I borrowed off someone.
- Instead I am plotting an even more elaborate plan.
- And since we're on the subject of marriage, I am giving further serious thought to adopting a baby...and a Chinese one, preferably. Alternatively, I may go to China and work in an orphanage. Time will tell.
- Misaki chan gave me some DVDs of a popular Japanese teen drama called PRIDE last night. Say what? Of course it's in Japanese, foo! Does it have subtitles? Yes actually, it has Chinese subtitles. Now as useful as Chinese subtitles are, I'm afraid that since my Chinese is worse than my Japanese, I doubt I will be getting any of the jokes.
- Misaki chan said it'll help improve my Japanese. You will grant that under the circumstances, the likelihood of this happening is rather grim...but who gives a toss, the main actor in it is DAMN CUTE (well...kinda), so I'm gonna watch it any way.
- Have you noticed how this blog is following a very cohesive train of thought sequence...hmmm, neat that.
- Any way, before I dash off to engage in the increadibly important task of composing my shopping list, I no longer have a stupid crush on Joshua. It was the dorky bandana that did it I tell you. It was not Mexico.
- ...D'oh! I was so close! Noooo!...It was the final post!
- Stinky Covent Garden Cheese shop, here we come :(
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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