No brakes.
Looking at it now, there is this sick sense of selfishness about the blog of late Wendsday night and early Tursday morning of the London terrorist attacks.
There is a sick sense of selfishness about how oblivious and superficial this piece of self-preoccupation is.
When you stand back and look at it all now, as a larger picture of past and present, there is something so small and self-absorbed and so increadibly stupid about it and about us and how we are and what we do
...and you think, God, knowing and watching in an existence outside our reality and perception limmited by the states of past, present and a future we will never know, even mili-seconds before it becomes now, must see us for how futile and ridiculous we are.
There is a sick sense of selfishness in feeling relieved over the fact that no one I know got hurt or dead.
There is an even sicker sense of selfishness about being able to move on.
We are selfish by nature. And I think it is because we're all so increadibly alone even in the misery we share.
...And finally there is something selfish about words, and about trying to explain or write or speak of other people's sufferring, in a selfish plight to show sympathy.
And though no one I know was hurt or lost, this has effected all of us more than we think...and not only because with every such act of selfishness we commit, we lose just that much more of our humanity.
Fasten your seat belts, from here on, either it ends or it's a chaotic plummet down.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
6 years ago
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