Feel Yippeeee!-fied: Got an email just now from Father Figure no. 2: Gordyy! He's sooo sweet :)
(I just had a thought, I get more emails from Father Figure no. 2 : Gordyy than I do from Father. In fact, I suspect that if I was to write to Father Figure no.1: Sting, the chances of me getting an email back from him would be greater than getting one from Father (and speaking of Father, I had the absurd desire to listen to Joe Cocker and I've been doing so for the past few days (not now. Now I'm listenning to Savage Garden, which I haven't heard in ages)))
Feel vaguely amused: Crazy Irish neighbours have found another excuse to rejoice in celebration of having no reason to celebrate, no doubt (Because the frequency at which they celebrate, thay aught to have run out of reasons long ago). They're blasting crap Irish music again and what's worse (wait for it) singing along to it. I suspect by 3:00 am they'll get pissed enough to start fighting amongst themselves, at which point, said fight will spill out into the street and guests/friends will tuck tail and return home. Until the next excuse to resume this cycle.
Feel like pot: How do I cope with this? I don't, I'm imune to it. I'm also wearing freaky eye makeup which Huden (talking to Daoud abi) just told me to wash off coz it looks freaky (which was the point) - man, haven't I the right to do what I want to my face at un-Godly hours of the night when no one has to see it? They never let me get my lip pierced either :( WHICH I STILL WANT BY THE WAY!
Feel sick: Has any one else noticed that Hershey's choclate has a vomit like after taste? Bloody yanks aint got nothing against Cadburys.
Feel the need to be superficial: otherwise I might succumb to the urge to shave off half my hair- which would be a big shame coz it's only just started looking half decent after the last dissaster. In fact it's looking rather rock stylish- hmmm...maybe I should get the scissors and give it a more punk edge...NO STOP, YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN!
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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