Sound: Disarm, Smashing Pumpkins
Little Minx is going to pack her laptop and go away.
Standing in the 29 at rush hour with some guy's elbow in my face, and feeling like what has become of my life, merely amounts to a series of failiures and massive mistakes, I decided that I've got absolutely nothing susbstantial to stay here for.
Severing every illusion, every self indulgent hope and stupid 'what-if?', and pissing off without looking back is gonna feel almost as good as putting a blade to the real thing.
I suppose I could settle for a cigarette, but this would entail me dispensing some currencey. Do I want that iPod badly enough? Yes.
Tas tells me single tickets to Dubai are £270. The question now is, when?
Damn this.
Ps. Little Minx got an official (on headed paper) letter today during tutorial, stating that she will be awarded a 'fail' for the stupid CELTA course she never wanted to do in the first palce, unless she drastically improves on a number of points within her next 2 teaching practice lessons. Oh, no pressure of course. And since you'll merit that the odds of this actually happening are rather grim, considerring I've not only lost all self-esteem and motivation after being told there's nothing authorative about my too-casual-and-chummy class room manner, I F***ing quit!
There are much worse things in the world.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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