Saturday, June 03, 2006


iT'S a bEaUTifuL daY aND i'M OWWWCHing aT HomE.
I wanted to go to Hampstead Heath with Huden and Daoud.
ha? nO, i dON't wAnt aNy mORe's made me feel sick.
(twidles thumbs)

Right...this calls for some productiveness which doesn't involve me having to move from my seat. ...oi, this isn't my laptop...this is Huden's...where's my laptop? Ah, I spy it under the sofa. The sofa is across the room. Do I get up and get it myself...or do a start wailing and moaning to get Saimecan to come here from the other room? Nah, I aint that shallow. ...So. Do I get up now, or do I wait for a bit? Do I do it in one sudden movement and leap across the room and back to the sofa, or do I do it very slowly? ...Oh damn, now I gotta pee.

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