Rasty Nats at Bar Stucks,
I haven't got much to do.
Rasty Nats at Bar Stucks
I have a tummy ache too.
Tis 17:33 and as always I'm sitting here trying to will the digital clock numbers to change faster. I wonder if work will ever really become stimulating in the least...as opposed to just the general spells of buissiness amongst dry days we've been experiencing.
If this is gonna be the rest of my summer I think I might turn senile. By the looks of things though, even if I could have afforded to go OFF (OFF I SAY!) abroad before, i sure as hell can't anymore. Not with the amount of rent and home utility I'm going to have to start paying.
And yet, life continues. Like an insensitive, heartless bastard. And I've had my fare share of those.
I used to wonder if being subjected to that kind of atitude could eventually start turning me heartless too. Far from it, seems to have had the opposite effect.
But how much can a person tollerate, especially after realising what's begun to happen between the silent exchange of human characters?
So Now I'm wonderring if being subjected to that kind of atitde for much longer can eventually drive me away for good. I think so, but we're yet to find out
Any way, now I'm having a pop arguement with A.J about Jessica Alba (gag reflex) and the double standards of men. Just called him a hypocrite, so why the hell is he laughing?
Oh I see.
I should have learnt a lesson or 2 from the likes of him and Tas. The messes that being naive has gotten me into.
Any way, now he's gonna have a complete piss-take out of me over Miyavi. Ah yes, and here is the pop in response to the Miyavi link.
A.J: May Allah have mercy on you.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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