Pissed off at the world with the wrath of a hundred angry amazons with delayed periods, I scale cyber space and time to find myself here once again. Strike a pose of daring and bawl at the emptiness: Oi you nonexistent void of nothing, how would you like a piece of me?! Ha! I can take you on!
So much for never blogging again. Life's too short to be eternally hurt by heartless bastards.
Ala, habibi ya noor'ul ayn, that book you sent me last summer was one of many I could never get around to finishing. However, I can earnestly say the beginning had me in tears. It is currently on my great list of 'to resume' from last Summer. This is because last Summer I wasted too much of my time, energy and feelings on a shallow piece of shit that was not worth it, to pursue any intelligent enterprises such as meaningful contemplation and inspiring reading. If I had, perhaps I would not have made the mistakes I did.
Y'all, follow this link, if you haven't already seen that spoken word video I emailed around. It is sobberingly, painfully, beautiful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qybte00VgWE --
Upon that note, the Shit hath hiteth the fan.
This morning, no amount of PA duties seem enough to keep me busy with something other than restlessness. Even all week of work and post-work entertaining and late nights and galavanting about London on trains of endless conversation...nor the bedlam of last night and early morning seeing people off, hasn't managed to get me tired enough to just sit still.
Some SriLankan Bishop is visiting the office. Reception sent a pop arround telling all staff to make themselves available at 2:00 pm at which time he will be adressing us. I responded to the email with:
Please note that it is customary in his culture to dress casually on important occaisions. Therefore, anyone donning a suit and tie disappear from sight if you do not wish to grievously offend him. Also, don’t be surprised if he throws cashew nuts at you.
Jonaid was about to take his tie off. HA HA HA HA! 'tis good to abuse PA authority every now and then.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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