- Bloody stupid two-hour-long-anti-climax-of-a-film!
- (Why the hell can I not get onto Blackwells Online?)
- (Sod it, getting back to yesterday...)
- ...Howl was fit though :)
- Yes I'm immature, you got a problem? I still have a crush on Peter Pan!
- (And Aladdin)
- (And inspite of the fact that now I'm old enough to see just how politically incorrect Disney's little spin on Sherazade's immortalised quite-litteral-life-saver is, I still go all fuzzy inside watching it.
- (I suppose that just makes me a stupid girl, right? Dispite the New Rock boots, and freaky don't-mess-with-me jewlery.).)
- (Sod Aladdin too. Where were we? ...ah yes.)
- I'm a bad daughter who got lectured yesterday. But it wasn't the thought of fit Howl that got me through it, and yet also added some turbulance to the bumpy ride that was Guilt Trip.
- Come up to meet you. Tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are. I had to find you. Tell you I need you. Tell you I set you apart. Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions. Oh let's go back to the start. [...] I was just guessing, at numbers and figures. Pulling the puzzels apart. Questions of science, science and progress, do not speak as loud as my heart. tell me you love me. Come back and haunt me. Oh when I rush to the start. (Cold Play- Scientist)
- Wow, what a waste of time...It's 4:00 in the morning, should probably go to bed and try to sleep.
- I kinda feel like Ice cream though.
- Well since we started this blog with movies, maybe I can finish it on that note: Motorcycle Diaries has made me want to buy a one way ticket to the remotest corners of some random country (preferably South America or Morocco), and just try to survive. In the hunter gatherer sense of the word- like screw hotel lobies, it's all about hitch hicking and taking shelter with strangers.
- There is a great deal of comfort in the thought of getting lost.
- Don't think anyone would come back packing with me though :(
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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