- Steven Spielberg must be one hell of a pain in the ass to watch films with, because ever since Saimecan started this media course, she has been meticulously scrutinising the life out of every film I've attempted to watch with her. 'But this is what they teach us. This is what you have to do to be a director!' -I don't give a toss, take it some place else!
- Cute guy sitting next to me on the 29 bus takes out a copy of Alan Hollinghurst's 'Swimming pool Library' and begins reading it. Said book is an incredibly graphic piece of Shi(K)t about the escapades of gay men (I know this because of Queer Theory.) ...'should have sussed it by the way he was dressed too cool.
- What's that? ..Oi SHUDUP, I can't help being attracted to metro-sexual men!...and any way, how was I supposed to know he'd crossed the border?
- I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: Tauwba, lower your gaze in the month of Ramadhan at least...otherwise direct it some place else!
- And I'm thinking: You are absolutely right my friend. See if everyone in my life actually gave me some advice instead of just thought things, I may have been a better person.
- Since we're on the topic, notice how in the Koran it's: 'Tell the believing men/women to lower their gazes.' Whereas in the Torah and Bible it's: 'THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOURS WIFE!' and '...And if thine eye offend thee,(in regards to oggling thy said neighbour's wife) pluck it out, and cast it from thee!' respectively. (Wow, sometimes I reallys surprise myself.)
- ...And yet it seems I won't hear the end of people telling me Islam is harsh.
- Meanwhile I've decided that life is too short and it could be too beautiful to waste away doing things you don't want to. I'm talking about office jobs. I'm talking about admin or racking your brain energy for the benefit of some empty, boring, greedy fatso you gotta kiss up to coz he writes your pay cheques. I'm talking about selling your soul, and I hope to God I don't regret saying this one day.
- If this means that I'm never going to live up to some people's standards of a respectable individual complete with mortgage, car, family and good bank credit -I show said people my middle finger. And I show it some more to everyone who asks me if I have got a graduate-befitting-job yet, because I am very generous with my middle finger.
- And I'll tell you why. Because I aint living for this life. I aint gonna build an empire I have to leave behind when I'm DEAD!
- The plan then, and I mean the immediate future plan, is to get one or more remotely interesting part time jobs, which will not only be intellectually stimulating or fun or rewarding or all of these, but will also give my brain the space to breath and work for itself, so that I can concentrate on what really matters, which right now is: Writing (tada!). I think I could do this until the opportunity for a drastic change in my life shows itself at some point.
- Also, maybe I can start trying to change the world, one good deed at a time, like Amalie.
- Sarah, I think You're right, I think my Blogs are starting to get very serious and maybe a tad dark :(
- In that case, let's lighten things up: I WANT CUTE SNOOPY UNDERWARE FROM H&M! I WANT IT IN PINK!
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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