Little Minx- (and if you don't already know, 'Little Minx' is what yours truely was nicknamed by a handfull of repressed 'brothers' at Kings. We find it hilarious now because it is so absurdly un-befitting. You would too, if I told you I was 'Little Minx' with the straightest of my pissed off, asexual faces.) where was I before I was so rudely interrupted by myself? ah yes,
Little Minx woke up a few hours ago, saw the world and thought: Augh! not you again, you benign pain in the ass, can't you just piss off!
But now, I'm feeling good in a shiKKt way (with a double 'K'), and I got a big stupid grin on my face to prove it, and I think I must have hit bottom. This must be what Sisyphus feels after the horror of watching his bolder roll down the mountain again (for the millionth time), and he's eyeing it with vague irritation where it sits at the bottom, and he's thinking: well, it's just back up now.
Find me in this resignation and 'well-crap-happens'-shoulder shrugg, and in the contentedness of discontent because sufficiency is only ever suffoncified and there is no point in wasting a life angsting over wasting a life when you can waste it trying not to, and climb out of this already because perfection and symmetry is only reserved for the divine and you can sing your praise to it with the ugliness of your flaws and imperfections, because even Sisyphus made meaning out of supreme pointlessness and meaninglessness.
Do I see my point?
I think so.
Quote of the week: 'Miyavi Desu!' ...AAAAAAAARGH! (Acts like a maniac)
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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