'Speak in the name of those who cannot write. If the poet did not make himself a spokesman of the human condition, what else is there for him to do' (Neruda)
This is not the quote of the week. The quote of the week is below, by Chrono (sigh). What's that? The quote of last week? The quote of last week was: "I'm sorry, did my pin get in the way of your ass!? Lose five pounds this instant or get out of my building immediately!" (ahem, Mugatu)
Anyway, so the former was inspiration, which has got me wonderring once again weather I should try to publish my poetry... But then, no one really reads poetry nowadays. Maybe I should sell my poetry to some band who'd wanna use it as lyrics, and that way I can get people listening to it! ..Nah, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
In any case.
(Grinns like an idiot)
..Has almost made me forget my maddenning desire for a lip piercing, which I have concluded, would add charm to my otherwise daft smile. And yet no one in the Ali nuclear or extended family seems to appreciate someone with creative vision :( -that's just another way of saying, they're tired of tollerating my insanity. Pish. Elest cares not.
Oh yeah,
Terribly impressed interviewer, staring dreamy eyed at an Elest who's been blagging off a bunch of rubbish about customer service like she really can't be faffed: "You know, you seem like a very intellegent person and you have previous retail experience. I won't ask you any of the other questions." (Puts down pen) "I'd like to offer you the position."
Elest: (thinks- what tha? Oi!)
I got a 2 day job during Christmas sales. And I dind't even want it. Conclusion: If you want something, don't want it, and you'll get it.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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