Cookies are being delightfully cooperative today. Yay!
I wonder why I bother coming in so early in the morning if Matt barely has anything to give me till mid-day.
It's Malcolm's job to talk to the illustrators, and as i write this, he's going on about Basilisks, griffins, draggons, and tortoises looking a bit too Disney - "...we're moving off style a bit, could you fix that? and the march hare, has a little bit of froth coming out of his mouth, and his eye's twitching, so that's perfect. But are they playing football?"
What's a sooth and a gulo?
Do I have something important to write here, instead of going on about this office, which obviously doesn't interrest anyone (not that the rest of this will)...?
Perhaps, but it probably won't make sense, so you can just stop reading now.
I've made two resolutions, (Yes, I know it's March tomorrow) a discovery, and have discoverred a fear. (so really, that's two discoverries)
A Discovery: I seem to be less depressed. I hope this isn't coz I'm so jaded most the time...or worse, I hope the high hasn't gotten to my head permenantly, and worse still, I hope this isn't the calm before the storm.
Resolution 1: Instead of moaning and saying I have to do something, I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut and do it already.
Resolution 2: I'm not making any more resolutions.
-I'm shutting my eyes and divig in (or out) blinded. I'm braving any accidents, because i've proably had them coming for a while now any way. But I know you don't want me to hurt anyone else, any more than I do, so mabe you'll help...?
I know I don't deserve to be asking this.
I've screwed things up pretty bad, and gotten too deep into it to realise.
But nothing I've done is bigger than your mercy, and you can turn this into good, because tht's what you are.
I need you so much.
A Fear: I'm scared to death that this is hope.
We've got 40 days.
Why 40 days?
Don't ask stupid questions.
Ps. Thanks Faaria.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago