Sounds: The boiler.
Ntch, I meant listening to: Somewhere only we know, Keane.
Feeling: Like a hug.
Thinking: Of...well actually I'm trying to convince myself that if I didn't feel discontent with myself and the world arround me, that would mean I aught to. I mean, if you cant see things that need fixing all the time, then really there's gotta be something much bigger that needs fixing and you're not aware of it. You're unawareness perhaps...for instance. No? Am I making any sense? I was having this excellent conversation with my brother in-law, and it sounded great at the time.
... : ...
??? : ???
Ahem: I feel like a cigarette.
You don't say?! : :(
Reading: err...Islam and the Destiny of Man, by Charles Gai Eaton. And the new volume of Fruits Basket, but that doesn't count, coz...well it doesn't.
If you weren't sitting in front of your laptop now what would you be doing?: Ha?!
Just answer the question: Finishing off that volume of Fruits Basket, i think...why?
No reason. Quote of the moment?: ...
To darkness, to nothingness, to earnestness, to home.
-Samuel Beckett-
Ooooh, that was quick. Smart ass: He he...oh, the song's changed now, by the way, it's Krwlng, by Lin-
Shutup, I don't care. What are you most affraid of?: Of....Of the fact that I'm sitting here having a fucking conversation with myself!
(hides head in hands)
Augh! leave me alone!
I'm so tired
of looking for security
of looking for peace
of looking for home.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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