Sound: Les Nuits -Nightmares on Wax
Today we said goodbye to our first group of students...and just as I was getting chummy with Cristian (Ha ha!) and Jean Charles (who's a real cool guy! (I think I wanna be like him. (when I asked him what the hell he was doing in this country, if he comes from such a beautiful part of France, he said he was only here to learn English, after which he'd be pissing off to spend a good few years of his youth travelling the world like you only live once. (and damnit -I saw it in his eyes! You know! The look of someone who doesn't give a shiKt coz 'yeah, I'm only living once'.(Tas, remember that guy we met on the train back home all those years ago? Did we see it then too? Is that what I can't foeget? (hope he has a great life.)))))) ...I think I'm gonna miss them alot :(
Meanwhile, before Shakila fell asleep, her and I concluded that the best combination second only to Ben and Jerrys Cookies & Cream and Vermonster for the ultimate milkshake, is Japanese men and makeup. That's sad and sordid. But it got us laughing.
I've been getting ill since Tuesday, and it's worse now.
-I tie it down to going to bed without enough clothes on.
...And you know I'm only writing about trivial things coz I have too much that is too big and scary to articulate.
...And you know I'm only making small talk, coz there is so much more that matters but I can't say any of it.
Dear blog,
In truth, I dare say, Little Minx hath quit being completely honest with thee.
And doth she care?
-I tie it down to not being completely honest with too many people in my life. Including, and mostly, myself...of course.
In fact, the only person I'm being completely honest with at this time, is God.
How do I face you when I've got so much to be sorry for?
How do I get down to being sorry if I can't even regret it?
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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