--We regret to inform you, that the blasted cookies have screwed us
over yet again. This post is a day late. Gomen.--
(Friday...in composition all day)
Think Intern remembers the days she used to blog as 'Office Idiot' -while working at the Faith Regen office 2 summers ago. How things have changed.
Think Intern, spent all of this morning reading through 'Football Heroes' in search of offensive material that will need censoring in the 2nd edition because we have a market at (classier-than-thou (my hiney!)) Marks & Spencers apparently, and we have to cater for the more elite specimines of our society now. (in English, that's called selling out) So basically, I'm incharge of censoring. Which I wouldn't ordinarily have any qualms about, if the material really is offensive, but when Matt tells me 'screw' is one such example of the kind of thing we're scrapping, then I think: hang on, half the anecdotes in this will have to be taken out. Which got me thinking further, borderring on the deep and terrible again (as it happens):
I've become very, VERY desensitised. This is worrying.
Ok, I admit I've always been a bit shameless, and the brave perpetrator of social inpropriety when necessary in situations of
stifling properness...or maybe you'd call it being laid-back and cool. like 'my idea of a celebration is raising both eyebrows simultaneously' -cool...but still, by comparrison to the likes of Tas and Shakila, me is innocent. (ok, correction: me WAS innocent, and still IS somewhat
mentally innocent.) ...ah, sod this.
I'm drinking elderflower presse.
Ian, the other intern, who'd had an asthma attack this morning apparently, hence the reason why he hadn't turned up, has turned up.
and they've given him the job I started.
My new task: Quote clearing. (wrings hands) Rivvetting! (and there isn't a single element of sarchasm in that...no, don't cock ur eye-brow at me, I'm learning the tricks of the trade here!)
They're playing some ancient Madonna album over the sterio, and Like a Virgin is not only pissing me off but depressing me to boot.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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