Saturday, September 04, 2010

A Sexy Red Vaccume Cleaner

If it is beyond our humble means to purchase a sexy, red car then we will not be disheartened. We will lower our ambitions and we will purchase a sexy, red vaccume-cleaner instead. And it will be shiny and have a little light whot is illuminated when it suffers a blockage. And we will say thus, "behold, for a car could not have had such a splendid light!" And verily 'twill please us much.

When Andy Warhol Speaks to Your Innards

Something Murakami once said about cows and pliers and worm-universes, becomes more relevant as the years pass. The gun helps.

A Day at the Tate: (p)Art III

Pixi's contribution to the exhibition was inspired by all the other artwork she had seen

A Day at the Tate: (p)Art II

By the time Pixi realised what was hurttling down towwards her, it was a little late

A Day at the Tate: (p)Art I

A Giant Blood Cell attempted to ingest Pixi's Little-sis.

Huston, We've Hit a New Low

I Wonder What They've Assumed

Literary Agent Intern-Pixi

The Last of the Japanese Rock Heroes

The year 2010 in the Pixi-Webster Encyclopedia has a number of entries:
  • The Dark Ages.
  • The world record for a comically compulsive degree of bad luck.
  • The year of the Tiger whot pissed on my dying fire
  • The year of the shKit
  • The year of the Baby
  • And The last of the J-rock heroes (a.k.a Miyavi)

Some context in the way of a justification for nonsensical banter:

Pixi's evil wisdom teeth, who did not know the meaning of 'no room', continued to shove their harrowing way into Pixi's mouth like those persistent buggers that weasel their way into a packed Victoria Line train at rush hour, with a painful exhalation of air from the depths of all the other passengers' lungs. Suffice it to say, they (the wisdom teeth, not the metaphorical passengers) did not allow for the materialisation of much sleep at 5am on Monday morning, so the futon-lying Pixi armed herself with her iPod touch, and commenced in writing an elaboration for the final two enteries in the Pixi-Webster encyclopedia, which she decided, were connected in a sense.

This is how (said nonsensical banter):

Not long after going down in Pixi-history as the year of the Baby, 2010 added one more casualty to the list of people, nay friends, who were not only married (As if that weren't un-cool enough) but also procreating the human species. Pixi was still in the midst of wonderring what the odds were that so many of her friends could simultaneously become WITH CHILD in the same year, when suddenly, it transpired. It was this: To add insult to indignity, One of Pixi's greatest heroes also went and had ofspring. Said hero was Miyavi, With whom Pixi had enjoyed a para-social relationship for well over four years.

Rude Interaption from the likes of Nerdy, Die-hard fan: "Miyavi had a child last year. That's old news!"
Retaliation from Pixi: "I only found out this year, which makes my finding out new news to the world whot cares. So go make a collage out of your news-paper clippings."

Where were we? Ah yes! Miyavi stood out from all other J-rockers of his generation for a number of reasons (which follow):

  1. He was a genius on the guitar...of the naturally born to rock-pants variety.
  2. Had a raspy shKit voice, which he was confident enough to use to his advantage and use well (ie. he could sing. and do it with originality)
  3. He differred from other pretty boys in that he wasn't a pouting poser. In fact, he did everything to look positively un-attractive which increased his appeal.
  4. He had striking features (not the usual wahsed out prety-boy stock variety) which he probably owed to his Zainichi Korean descent
  5. He had character...the kind evident even across language barriers (refer to Video below)
  6. And lastly, the man had style. Nay, he was a walking work of art with the tattoos and piercings that he carried well (an not like some silly emo, teenage dirt-bag)

All this, however, was in the golden age of Miyavizm (originally coined by Miyavi himself.) And though the man would most definately leave behind a legacy, unfortunately, nothing lasts. The gradual decline of Pixi's love for Miyavi began when he first displayed various signs of un-coolness. These eventually culminated into the revelation of his be-hitching to a certain chick named Melody. (Need I make any unecessary understatements about stupid names?)

Pixi concluded that married life had not only driven Miyavi to lay off the drugs (or whatever else made him so adorabbly high), it had forced him to grow up! Why else would the absurdly random freak of much musical tallent, replace his signiature 'Miyavi dessssu' with, 'Yo what's up, this is Miyavi', in an all too sober, badly accented English. (WTF!? -Pixi had tought, when she was first exposed to this sell-out. Glancing about her to make sure no-one else had witnessed it, she'd closed the Youtube tab with goose-bumpy embarrasment.)

Thereafter Miyavi did not release any great new albums, and Pixi slowly stopped googling him. ...until this past Sunday, which was one of those vexing intollerablities that left her fantasising about whether slit wrists could emit enough blood to seep out from under the bathroom door, subsiquently serving as a: 'hello. Somebody? Sorry to interrupt, but can we have some attention here please before the rats come?' This continued into the late hours of the night. But before insomnia got the better of Pixi, a bit of pre-bed-tmie googling had revealed this:

Needless to say, we felt a combination of: Ghasp! - Awwww - errrr - weeeeird- ....
This was followed by the thought that the world really was leaving Pixi behind, to cherish the memory of it's awe-fullness in its youth. ...which consequently brought on the insomnia perhaps.

And that is how the last of Pixi's Japanese-rock heroes was lost to obscurity. In celebration of the great things he gave us however, here's to you, Miyavi. (But don't think I've forgiven you for growing up on me!)

Taking the Leap

Only at Canary Wharf do potential suicide cases have the privledge of being given reasons not to jump.

Here's one of them.

Another is the freezing cold water (but I guess a man who's just lost everything might overlook that detail (which makes one wonder whether there is a connection between this sign and the fact that it is located right below the giant stock update thing.).) In any case, 'tis a thoughtful gesture, me thinks.

Farringdon and the First Day of Spring

Faringdon is one of those words one wishes to treat as if it were the plural of something. Like oxen. For instance, just as you would say 'the ox is rotund' and 'the oxen are rotund', similarly 'Faringdon are' sounds alot more gramatically correct than 'Faringdon is'.

Not convinced? Allow me to demonstrate:
Faringdon are a residence of particularly posh blue-bloods of the only-organic eating variety that break up in hives when they see a bum walking on the opposite side of the road.

Or in fact:
The Farigndon are coming round for tea this evening, whot! Lord Faring fancies a bit of fresh sconn with his tea. I shall ask Lucy to make some.

I rest my case your honor.

The Day Juror Pixi Didn't Want to be Juror Anymore

Juror Pixi: Week 2 Day 2

Juror Pixi: Week 2

What Happens in the INBETWEEN

This is a very important and too often very neglected point. What is it we do Inbetween things? And particularly in that Inbetween-doing as a form of bite-size procrastination which helps get you through (albeit a little more slowly) whatever boring task is presently giving you a rude stare from on your plate.

For examply. Inbetween writing my PhD research proposal this morning, I googled pictures of David Bowie and found out why his eyes are a little funny.

What does this say about the kind of person I am? Can the Inbetween be an insight into the deepest, darkest recesses of our character?

Think about it. From now on, try to pay a little more attention to what YOU do in the Inbetween.

Eggs: By Hippie Chickens

My eggs are funkier than yours, even when their off their faces on Mescaline. And don't you forget it!

Panthera Tigris

Happy Chinese New Year, one and all!!

2010 has not been very nice to me thus far, so I shall abandon it in favour of The Year of the Tiger. Lets hope my Chinese fortune is more fortuitous.

And Now for Something More Refreshing

If I had a special someone I wanted to communicate my most tender feelings for. And I was gonna buy into a massive commercial cop-out in order to do so. And I was gonna pick a single day out the entire year, which I have endlessly been told is special, across every medium of advertisement for the past month. and having been thoroughly brainwashed, I was gonna march my little legs over to Clintons where people pay to have glossy, impersonal cards say for them, what they could very well do a better job of saying themselves (if only they'd sit their special someone's down and strip down to their honest cores.) And in Clintons I was gonna purchase one such card that would tell my special someone what I feel about them. Hypothetically speaking. Then, I would probably have purchased this:

To every happy couple out there: May your genetically modified roses not smell, and may your heart shaped chocolates make you fat, and may you realise on waking up the next morning that you can't buy romance.

And to the singles: You guys aint gonna know the value of what you got until someone shoves a tastless cliche down your throat every February 14th for the rest of that lack-lustre life you commit to sharing with someone for the sake of commiting. Pray it doesn't happen.

Happy Valentines Day

Horse Men

Whiplash is Commonly Associated With...

... motor vehicle accidents, usually when the vehicle has been hit in the rear; however, the injury can be sustained in many other ways, including falls from bicycles or horses.

Thank you Wikipedia, which is basically trying to say that if you are gallopping at freaky speed on a very spirrited horse who has got it in his head to race with your sister's equally spirrited steed, and then said horse trips (having encounterred uneven ground), you will go flying right over the top of it's head and crash head first into the ground.

In the moments which follow your thoughts will be:

(static while brain re-orients itsself....we get a signal)


Lots of PAIN

(large quantities of adrenaline is now pumping through blood-stream)

PAIN all over so you can't move

(Heart-rate is equivelent to having done 20mins on the treadmill PLUS Jack Human)

Ok, just stay still and wait it out

God, I know I can't be lucky twice, but please don't let me be paralised!


God. God. God. God. God. God. God.

Ok PAIN is easing

(Power returning to mothership...all systems are up but running slower than usual)

Someone's coming back for don't move yet...PAIN...God God God...

Shit there's sand in my eyes!!

And later you will be mighty thankful it was sand in your eyes and not concrete against ur face. And the deep meanings of many a wisdom will dawn upon you such as why stalions are made into gelldings; and why when a person falls he/she must fall so utterly and dramatically, with pain to emphasise the sheer wretchedness of their situation; and why life is too serious to take so seriously. I owe this one to Wilde I think, so I should credit him. --Never mess with a gay.

On a not entirely different note, Pixi is officially a closet adrenaline junkie.

Adrenaline hit number one: 5 year-old Pixi spins round and round and round and round and round then makes a dash right in the hight of blind dizziness.

Pointless moment-of-truth thought: "I'm a stupid kid with no real reason to do this"

Outcome: Wham goes 5-year old into some wall. Cries and is quiet for a few hours.


Adrenaline hit number sixty-eight: 25 year-old Pixi speeds up dune-hill on quad-bike and flies off the top, action-movie style.

Pointless moment-of-truth thought: "Shit. This will hurt."

Outcome: Quad-bike lands with magnificent force with direct impact on spine, resulting in minor fracture.

Adrenaline hit number sixty-nine: 26 year-old Pixi accepts challenge to race big-Sis on spirrited steed that don't see jack-shit else when it sees red.

Pointless moment-of-truth thought: ... <-- has run out of poigniant poeticisms

Outcome: Whiplash

Writers Block:

In Dubai...They Follow You

And Here's some that did so earlier.

As you can see, they aren't particularly photogenic, but the car was hot. Mind you, this is generaly the case. The car is always hot.

Once Upon a Time

...Pixi burried her words, and now she's lost the place from whence to dig them back out.

'Tis the Season to...

...Hate on lame-ass Chirstmas Carols, which they play over and over and over in every damn shop across London, until you're waking up at some ungodly hour of the night, and the cheasiest, most lame-ass part of the cheesiest most lame-ass one is playing itsslef over and over again like a broken record in your mind!

On a more positive note though, I get a serious kick outa this kinda thing.

This is How I Feel

...admittedly it's my sister's head inside a horse's nostril, but basically I am feeling like how she looks.

Alexander the Grater

If Barack Obama can be awarded a Nobel Prize for jack-all (though you gotta hand it to the guy for his impressive fly swatting), and the likes of Rushdie and Elton John get a Knighthood for being a disrespectful literary-masturbator, and doing a lame-ass cover for an old song, respectively, then I want the guy who came up with this to be awarded a Nobel Prize too!

And I really don't think it's asking for much.

Second Childhood

In the banal drudgery of never green enough,

Time falters and slips up to reveal

Those things which lurk in my blind spot.

There, hunched like an angel of misfortune against its scythe,

Life’s titan reserve terrifies me

And I am sorry that I was not

Enough to cherish what is escaping us now.

Welcome, Friend.

I’ve filled my heart again,

And You have come to empty it out.

The cycle will dip, drag on begrudgingly, pick up momentum, and eventually resume.

Like a second chance at lost childhood. One more time. And one more time.

And though they are numbered, I let them take my breath away.

Because the sea is imitating the sky tonight;

Because the hand which rested on my head

Could not have been more necessary;

And because that boyish cartwheel in our dash across the field,

Was the only thing missing from this evanescent perfection.

This world is ugly but so full of Your beautiful things.

And I know that You love its stumbling people for their flaws and for their yearning,

And I know You love us, because You have let us taste this and be humbled

And I know You love me, because You take back now what you had shared

Because this brittle vessel is not big enough,

And overwhelmed, my heart has come so near to breaking.

Thank You.

Breakfast at the Office

Wanna See a Steamy Picture I Took in the Bath?

How Not to be Immortalised

This is in memory of the day Elest and Zaru got sprayed by goat spit and brought the beast's reek into the office. Our nostrills be tormented to this very day, and Pixi's once refined tastes for goats cheese has suffered a grevious blow.

It's Eternal

A Double War

It's My Birthday and I'm in the Library

...I think I've taken this under-playing birthdays thing a bit far. Yes they are a benign tumour, but I'm lonely. And who wants to be lonely when they're already peeved about turning 26 and having exams?

In any case, above-featured is the card I would have wanted to recieve, if anyone had bothered to get me one :(