Here's to my resolution to start blogging everyday again. This applies even when I have nothing particularly significant to say. How so? I shall demonstrate: Pish.
With that asside, hello hello and welcome to another day of jury service. Thus far there has been no jurorring involved. There has only been an ugly waiting room with ugly pink lenolium floors and ugly florecents lights which feel like their buzzing, even if they are not (for future reffrence, Juror-pixi hates florescent lights. Just in case someone someday wishes to see her hiss like Christopher Lee when he's woken from vampire-slumber at 1 in the afternoon)
There has also been:
- lots of name calling;
- the brief enterior of a court room complete with criminal men behind glass wall and be-wigged barristers;
- a close up of scary judge-lady's face;
- and a nasty jacket potato whot had some black bits in it and NO COLESLAW!
Thus passed week one until we have come into week two, having lost one Philipino friend to a case whot will last 5 weeks. Said friend's name was the same as the man whot went on the moon. Juror-pixi will google this man so that when she sees her friend she will not be embarrassed for forgetting his name.
Juror-pixi now sits atop a pink chair at a pink table at the caffeteria whot served her the evil jacket potato. In the meanwhile newspapers continue to be ugly, people continue to be far away, and Pixi (when she takes off her Juror hat) continues to grow more shy, more quiet, and more convinced that she is one Pixi too much.
She gets sleepy easily, harvests deep, dark circles under her eyes, and sees someone she despises more and more when she looks into the mirror every morning.
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