Time: Twelvefourty.
Location: Uni, hot, stuffy Paws room on fourth floor.
Feeling: Like I've just been woken up and I'm looking for the insolent bugger, responsible!
Hearing: The communal humm of PC's- and it's kinda freaky; like they're all talking to each other; like we are a handful of frail little humans, cluelessly sitting in a room that is so wired and buzzing and hot from the mighty, manipulative presence of these machienes which are just waiting to be set off like a ticking time bomb of artificial intellegence, and crush us in their vicious clasp!
Imagination: Kinda tippsy and drunk-like...like how you find yourself thinking of the most ridiculously mundane or irrelevant things in the aftermath of a devastating occurance, or while your liying on the bathroom floor watching smoke wafting above you...and the cherub babies in the stupid French soap advert, clinging to the pitiful excuse of Magy's bathroom decorative poster, are pissing you off!
Status: Early-morning-seminar late-ee.
Desires: Ben and Jerry's 'Core' Ice-cream Sundae (sigh!).
Fears: Dying like Samwise Gamjee.
Samwise Gamjee didn't die idiot: He will do. And he'll die in his little Hobbit home, with its round yellow door, surrounded by his little Hobbit children and his little Hobbit wife. Not like all the brave humans and elves who were killed in the last battles, under them giant scary elephants!
Aspirations: A sounder state of faith and sooul, by the time I break my fast this evening.
Purpose: I don't know, that's what's been botherring me all my life.
Immediate purpose: Pray, and attend the Two o'clock seminar for Experimental theatre.
Financial situation: Still skint. the 'Royal sum of £500' which was supposed to be transferred into my account 'Tomorrow' which was 3 days ago, seems to be taking royaly long to do so, or there is a royal problem.
Email situation: Got, not one but two emails from my Saimecaniii, with lots of pictures in it!
Hair: Pink...(examines nails, with vague irritation)...the label on the can of hair dye, distinctly said 'riot red', but it turned out pink...funny, that, isn't it? I suppose anything's better than blond though.
Interior of Refrigerator: Is furnished with a sufficient amount of food to get by on for a while, on a diet of boiled vegetables, tuna or chicken salami sandwiches, noodles, cereal, lamb-chops, and one grand night of curry! I say, we will eat like kings for the next few weeks, Elest, providing you're home early enough to not be too tired to cater for your basic sustenance with something other than a cheap, rip-off meal of sandwiches or miso-soup. Which reminds me, I wants to go Japan Centre for more of that...Which reminds me of the Jet Programme...damn, which reminds me of my confusion, and loss, and lack of purpose all over again :(
Augh, I give up...Experimental Theatre seminar, here I come...woohoo'!!'.
Ps. was supposed to paste some of the cool pic's Saimecan sent me, but there's been a problem, and I don't have enough time to fix it, but I promise to do so later. Watch this space :)
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