-spewd by Ziqiang Shi ...is quite simply random idiocy.
'Not those gloves! Those disgusting gloves! How many times have I told you to leave them in the kitchen?'
-overly dramatised by a man in women's clothes and a very thick indian accent ...is the epitome of wisdom. Kind of like 'AAARGH the kahva's gone cold!' ..you get the gist. Yes, I am still haunted by that performance.
Speaking of performances, last night's play was...hmmm how can I put this without sounding mean...Not Shakespeare..?? or Genet..since we've alredady brought him up.
You know what it actually was? It was a mirror held up to us. It was the image of our lives, of the way humanity is going down and ignoring all the divine signs. Mugensha's, 'The Feast of the Ants' was about ants, who don't realise they're ants. Us. We. Am I Making Sense? No. Ok I'll Stop Then. ...but I suppose it was good in that sense- was it Hamza Yusuf who said something about Poets and Fools always being the ones to hold a mirror up at society? Yes I think it was. So yeah, there was definately a mirror there (and not in the litteral sense) ...and when the little people crawled off stage, I definatley fealt empty, worthless and small. hmmm, do you reakon John Stikes will be happy if I print out this blogg and hand it in as my mid-term review? No, I don't think he will, because I have not talked enough about transvestite maids and thick Indian accents and Kahvas...instead I've dreamed of them, and wolken up yelling: Gloves!
Do I have anything else to say? Yes as a matter of fact I do:
An increadibly Haido-fied Jap is sitting in front of me. I can't see his face, but his hair rocks!
Back to Genet, who I think was gay. End of topic. Now lets move on. Dazzel the cat was, to Sara's surprise, certainly wearing a cravat. He was making a big hoo-haa out of looking pompus and pretentious. Speaking of which, Sarah brought up today, to Elest's agony, that there is a Byronic thing going on with Joshua's wardrobe...Elest of course failed to notice this yesterda, because when Joshua was clearly directing his words to Sarah and her, damnit!, she was too busy staring at her boots!
Yes. Yesterday Elest blanked Joshua. Who could have been talking to her. (wild cheering and applause. thump noises here and there as few of the faint hearted amongst the audience pass out.)
Argh! The Haido-fied Jap is not good looking...in which case he is not Haido-fied!...but his hair, most definately is. ...wow (Elest stares rudely) ...how does he keep it sticking up like that?...(Elest is now gawking like the village idiot)...thats sooo cool.
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