Last night, Elest did not sleep. Non can know the terrible and wonderfull trappings of her warped mind, but few can veture a wild guess. There was one woman, however, who could match her madness, and by some ominous turn of fate, these two increadibly troubled people knew each other! In any case, the rest of the world slept soundly on the night of February 04 2005, and lucky for them too, that Elest and Misba had nothing more lethal at thier disposal, than a pair of mobile phones...And yet, what ensued through the late hours of the night and early hours of the day, made no human sense at all:
01:18 am
Misba: You know what would be funny? If our lecturers were in a fight club...picture this: Stokes punches Gordon in the eye, Gordon cheats and pulls out a stick whilst grinning and raising his eyebrow...and Ganz runs as fast as he can, feathers all over the place :)
01:28 am
Elest: ..Elest starts yelling: 'the Khava's gone cold!' But then she sees Joshua and squeaks, which gets Misba pissed off, and she promptly lands one across his jaw, sending him flying just as Markee walks in, at which point Carla, who was stalking him, jumps onto his back, clinging to his neck, and Bunny gets terrified and faints. more feathers fly.
01:39 am
Misba: And all along, Nokes is waiting patiently in the wind and rain muttering 'yeeeees'..coz he was too old and short, while Bob Mills tells him to get off his fucking porch..
01:45 am
Elest: Well, then Clare Brant starts whispering sweet nothings in Stokes's corner, to offer him moral support in the face of Gordon's stick, at which Abu makes a phalic refference, pissing off the already pissed off Sarah, who throws her boot at him, misses and hits the Peacock Smurf instead, and Gordon yells: 'I win! I win! I'm the greatest Jacob!'
01:57 am
Misba: Stokes whimpers in the corner, a broken man..Ganz re-enters and goes 'Oops, I thought this was my lecture room'..but Markee grabs him before he can leave, for he knows too much...Nokes continues to wait outside..and Gordon pokes Peacock in the eye with his stick, claiming it's an accident.
01:56 am
Elest: Lol, I'm laughing aloud to myself, maybe we should stop now..?
02:07 am
Misba: 'Never!!' Yells Gordon. 'Just coz I'm winning, you wanna quit Elest, you spoilt sport. What was that? Oh, I thought you made a noise.'..while he is momentarily distracted, Markee seizes the stick, Carla cheers, Sarah chucks her other boot at Bunny, Ganz flees and Bob Stares at the wall. Nokes continues to wait, and realises he looks a bit like a Hobbit...
Elest: and at that very moment Golem jumps out from underneath Christian's messy hair, grabs Nokes and runs off, whisperring: 'My Precioussss' in his ear, and Misba declares him the best looking guy at uni, which upsets the Pretentious Lot terribly, but the person who takes the greatest offence is Ganz, who thinks he's a dashing young blade!
02:30 am
Misba: 'No champagne for you!' cries the distressed Ganz, his bottom lip which point, Rivkah eneters and says 'I am Gandalf!' ..Gordon gets confused and offers the empty seat next to him to Elest..and Handbag Lady rushes in crying 'Theif! Theif! Nokes nicked my handbag!' Peacock gallanty begins the chase to save the day..
02:36 am-
Elest: AAAAAAAAARG! You win! I can't possibly beat your imagination, it's pot induced!...unless...hang on, I got it! the perfect ending: they all stand on the tables in 18B and sing: 'I'M THE ONLY GAY ESKIMOOOO IN MY TRIIIIBE' at the top of their lungs, and Bob Mills is moved to tears, and Peacock finally comes out. Fin :)
02:46 am
Misba: Well I just wrote an ending too...suddenly everyone vanishes. and Misba and Elest realise they have serious mental issues, as they skip along happily to the soft walls of their home in the country, where Sarah awaits them with a cuppa tea and a couple of Aero bars :) good night xx
-Approximately two hours later, one was still standing-
04:17 am
Eelst: would you say my stupid little fixation for Joshua is also one of my 'father figure' issues? Maybe I get these paternal vibes from the guy..? By the way I've adopted Gandalf as my great-grandfather, and yes, Im still awake, and getting weirder:)...hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm..Gay eskimooo-ooo..hmmm hmmm..oh, and it's Avril La-UBU! Shkit! Thank You.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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