It's Sarah's 21st Birthday and so far being 21 has only seemed to give her griefe.
And I'm afraid, we are all still of the opinion that men suck.
Ayame: Oh come now, you can be a little less generalising.
Elest: Hey wha? Where did you come from?
Ayame: Greetings everyone! And how are you doing Elest? (he says, very suggestively.)
Yuki: (appering out of no where) I should have snapped u in two when I had the chance!
Elest: what tha- you too?!
Ayame: Children I understand that my sudden arrival has you dellerius with excitement, but calm yourselves please!
Kyo: I can't take much more of this, your killing me. (on his hands and knees, and with an exhausted, pained voice.) Do us all a favour will you, go away!
Ayame: That's just rude, and besides, there’s something I have to do. Yuki, while I'm here it's the perfect chance to deepen our bond as brothers.
Yuki: (sarchastically sweet) I have a better idea, why don’t I drown u in the lake?
Elest: What lake? There's no lake here, this is my Blog!!
Ayame: (to Yuki) Anything you want, as long as it gives us some quality time together.
Yuki: On second thought, go drown yourself!
Elest: Hello? Why am I being ignored here, this is MY BLOG!!
Hydo: (to Ayame) umm, I wouldn't if I were you. The last time we went for a swim, Ken peed in it.
Elest: AAAGH, IT'S HAIDO!..and..oh my God! Haido what are you wearing?!
Kyo: You idiot, what are you doing in a dress?! Don't you already have a big enough complex as it is over that girly face o' yours?
Elest: Haido, people are definitely gonna get the wrong idea if you dress that way.
President Takai: A valid point Elest Ali of 3rd year English. And while I can’t tolerate that peach hair of yours, Hatsuharu's white hair is more unacceptable by far!
Elest: Hatsuharu? (turns and finds Haru standing behind her) why am I not surprised? (raises her gaze to the heavens) Lord if you have any more adversity awaiting me, just hit me with it all now, I can't take them sneaking up on me one by one!
Kyo: (to Haru) About time! You're three days late you know that?
Haru: (increadibly dignified) Well I had left on Sunday with the intention of coming here, but I was swept away into the heart of a dark urban wilderness and it took me three days to find my way out.
President Takai: Ehem. I appreciate the way you’re trying to change the subject Kyo Sohma, but about their hair-
Yuki: President Takai, it's their natural colour.
President Takai: Oh Yuki, so nice to see you, but natural colour? I can see that their hair-lines are black!
Yuki: Yes, that's natural too.
President Takai: And I suppose wearing this dress is natural for you too, Hideto Takaria? Have you no pride as a man? You have best change your ways and your clothes, before this incident becomes the ruin of your life!
Haido: But this puffty outfit...sniffle, sniffle...looks good on me. (begins sobbing)
Elest: Please, don't yell at him any more.
President Takai: If I'm yelling, Elest Ali, it is to be sure he hears this advice, which should have been obvious to any one with common sense.
Haru: (who had been silent till now, snaps and turns into his dark alter ego) Shut up! Quit shouting like your king of the friggin' world, your making my ears bleed you bastard!
Everyone: oh no! (Haido freaked out by Haru's transformation, squeals like a girl)
Haru: Now I’ve got some common sense for you. If I wore a tie, it wouldn’t change who I am. If I had no piercings it wouldn't mean I'm nice. And if my hair was black it wouldn't stop me from kicking your ass! Who do you think you are any way? Ha?
Elest: Umm, Haru, don't hurt him please, children have access to this site.
Kyo: Yeah leave him alone, he's just an idiot.
Haru: You shut up, you stupid cat!
Kyo: Don't call me stupid, you dirty brat!
Haido: Anoooo...minnasan, we were arguing over me, remember?
Haru: That's right. Haido should wear the clothes that look best on him.
President Takai: No! There's a dress code, it's not fair to the other students!
Haru: You stubborn idiot! What would u do if it was Yuki wearing a girls dress ha?
Yuki: Haru cut it out or I will cut you off!
Haru: (suddenley very sweet) Aaah, have my words...made you angry?
President Takai: (Who had been visualising Yuki in a dress) It's beautiful!
Yuki: Stop imagining me!
(Haido starts weeping waterfalls because he's no longer the centre of attention)
President Takai: You're a worthy oponant Hatsuharu Sohma...
...but Your hair is still unacceptable, and you'll never convince me that's your natural colour!
(Haru grabs president takai by the front of his shirt and marches off with him into the boy's toilets. Their departure, and the absence of their yelling, suddenly leaves behind a uncomfortable silence.)
Eelst: my, isn't the weather...well, bleak today? Ha ha...oh but, what ho, what ho what ho!
(the door of the boys toilets reopens and president Takai and an oddly smug Haru come back.)
President Takai: (cleaning his glasses) Impresssive evidence. There are still many strange things in this world unknown to me.
Everyone: He didn't?!
Kyo: I think he did!
Haido: What? What did he?
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