Day: Just turned Wednesday
Time: 12:04
Location: Living room
(I have just discovered that the time which is displayed at the bottom of my posts is wrong. So if you don't want any more confusion in your lives ignore it.)
Well Today the Office idiot, completed the rough draft of a funding proposal (In English dat's just a begging letter) and she has done some filing...Aaaah, God bless brain dead office tasks, I love filing. :)
Whats that? i sound like I'm in a real good mood for someone with a real bad hair cut? it's not called a good mood, its called a temporary spell of boiterous-ness. Yes, Shakila and I launched into 'curiously animated' mode, in the office this afternoon. And if this sudden change from "This is NOT a career, I'm here for the money" American Gothic presenceless office presences, had rightfully raised a few eyebrows, we were too bussy wondering weather Beirut is located in Syria or Lebenon, to notice.
And yes, it is located in Lebenon. and yes Beirut Express is a restraunt, while Beirut Times, seems a more plausible job description for the Mr. Son of an embassidor, impressive cheekbones Beirut Express dude, who graced our grimm office about 3:00 pm-ish, and lightened the mood, merely by sitting cluelessly in the waiting area, across which Shakila was messing up her photocopying out of sheer excitment.
...Oh by the way, Shakila likes three spoons of sugar and a bit of milk, in her coffee. In spite of our air headed giggling, I was able to brew her the perfect cup.
What a glorious day for pipe-sized successes!
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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