This page has been ugly for faaaar too long, construction or no construction; I can't wait for Saimecan to be hit by a stroke of genius and the necesary spell of creativity to finish my blog-spot, so I have taken matters into my own hands and found a straightforward, pleasant looking design and done it up ALL BY MY SELF! at first I thought it woould be temporary, but I'm now thinking I might keep it for longer, coz I'm starting to like it...not to mention the image, though blurry, features Fruits Basket (one of my fav. anime's...and thats a bit of info for those who are too ashamed of my interrests to confront the reality of what I currently enjoy watching. Injustice i tell u, injustice and intollerance. U don't hear me complaingin about other peoples OCT California what ever the crap have u, I prob got the name wrong, but u know what I mean.)
and speaking of Fruits Basket, THE SECOND VOLUME'S BEING RELEASED ON THE 7TH!!! and I'd orderred it from Amazon, ages ago..back in the good old days when I had money, so soon enough, I will wake up one of these mornings to the lovely sound of a package falling through the leter slit, and onto my threash-hold, and I will turn over in bed for another hour of sleep, with a huge smile on my face!
I'd love to give people an idea of what the show is about- in order to elliminate ur prejudices, derrived from what obviously seems rather childish due to the the stupid little boogy eyed Sailor Moon face on the girl in the middle...but its late now, so I shall go to bed, and do so in a later post.
And no, I'm afraid I haven't grown up much.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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