No I am not at Hudens Uni to check out the cute Jap guys, of which there are many,(Shakila! dude! u gotta hang out here!) I am here to study for my Japanese exam, which is in approximately 20 hours time- u know thats not even a full day! thats 4 hours less than a full day! and I haven't done Jack till now!
SO why have I chosen Hudens uni, where there are many cute Jap guys, to study, of all places? I mean I can go to my uni right?
Well its simple; I had to come down here to pick up some BALLET TICKECTS FOR SWAN LAKE At THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL! (I can't tell u how I got them for free...its a secret.) So then after collecting them from the secretaries, i decided I'd study at the library, and save on travel time, instead of treaking all the way up to Kings.
But about the Ballet, I have 4 tickest now, and my family is currently 3 people and a half, (the half being the fat flat face persian) since Hudens in the Maldives, and since we can't take the cat to the Ballet, I have one spare ticket.
About an hour ago i invited Tas, and am still waiting for a reply. Maaaan, u'd think the girl would be a bit more enthusiastic, u know! sheesh.
Ok, I will study now.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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