You know, if u completely missed the point of my last blogg as did my little sister, I would like to take this time to say, (and i have all the time in the world before 9:30 when I will be able to break my fast) that it was merely a classic example of what Shigure kun likes to call misdirected rage.
The Turks are in fact people who are strong and very endurable, while the Japanese are...well they do have some drastic methods of dealing with failiure. On the whole however, perhaps what many of us would find most agreeable is the Cypriot. for there is much wisdome in the ways of the Cypriot who is a fowl mouthed, glutonouos being and a true epicurean by nature. Here is what would happen if we were to subject a Cypriot to the same scenario as in the last blogg:
Scenario 3 is how a Cypriot would act in the face of misfortune
Ali is walking down the street in Ankara (what he's doing there I don't know but that's besides the point. what? why does he have to be in Ankara? because Ankara is a city which is located in a giant hole in Turkey and is full of holes everywhere; and hence, the best place to fall into one)...yes where was I before I was so rudely side tracked by unnecessary questions...oh yeah, Ali is walking down the street, and he trips and falls into a hole which the Electricity company, water company of Turkish Telecome just recently opened up...and ofcourse, as did Turkish Mehmet and Japanese Mehmet, he goes blind. His initial reaction to this is to curse "Gavole!" (translators note: this is a curse, with Greek origins, which implies a summoning of the Devil) "Kim kodu bu cukuru bura be?! kor oldum, Esek tepsin genleri!" (translation: Oi who put this hole here?! I've gone blind, may a donkey kick them!) And then Ali, still cursing under his breath, picks himself up, goes back home to Cyprus where he tells all his neighbours "Ne haller be, ne haller." (very bad translation: what situations man, what situations.) and has a big barbeque, and then roast lamb with potetoes the next day, and another barbeque the day after, and more roast lamb and potatoes the day after that.
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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