I have just concluded that all Turks, and I don't mean to generalise, so not all, but all Modern day Turks, like the Turks of Today, the Turks u see at your local Turkish or Cypriot shop, the Turks who are arguing with the cashiere in fron of u at the bank, the Turks on the bus, sitting in the seats across the isle, the Turks at the airport on their way to Germany or Turkey, All the Turks in Germany, Turkey and all other parts of the world, alive right now, today.. and even the Turks in the office, who you have to sit and listen to, bickerring back and forth between themselves, about the icompetence of so and so or how such and such was swindelled, while ur trying to suss how to write a firgin proposal...yes all those Turks are a lot of miserable, pesimistic, hard to please, disenchanted nincumpoops, Who always have some qualm or something to complain about. This is because deep down, everyone of them are ashamed of what they are in comparrison to what their ancesstors were, so what they do is take it out on the inadequecy of life.
I mean, if the Japanese are a love-deprived nation with the highest rate of suicides in the world, Turks are simply a nation who has the potential of nocking them off theire place at the top of the 'countries that are going to the dogs' list, only, they have no age old notion of Hara-kiri, ingraned into their psychee.
Maybe if they had, they'd have been a bit more romantic at least...here I'll give u 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1 is how a Turkish guy would ordinarily react in the face of misfortune:
Mehmet is walking down a street in Ankara, trips and falls into a hole in the ground that the electricity company, water company or Turkish Telecome recently dug up, and goes blind (don't ask how, this kinda stuff always happens in Turkish movies), and he spends the rest of his life complaining that he is half a man.
scenario 2 is how a Turkish guy would react in the face of misfortune, if he was Japanese:
Mehmet (clad in Kimono) is walking down a street in Ankara, trips and falls into a hole in the ground that the electricity company, water company or Turkish Telecome recently dug up, and goes blind (don't ask how, this is my story), he promptly takes out his samurai sword and stabs himself in the stomach, so as not to face the dishonour of not being able to see.
Now which one's better...ha?
Chapter 19 – Girls’ Night Out
7 years ago
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