Thursday, September 30, 2004

the 'it's good to be back' feeling is slowly starting to wear off to be replaced by a 'crap, this is my 3rd year...calm down...calm down...breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out' feeling.

Elizabethan Shakespear: is comfortingly familiar and GORDON ROCKS!
Narrating the Nation: seems like something i will appreciate, though I can't say I've taken to the lecturer much...hmmm.
Brit. Lit. and Film: Sucks. the whole bloody 1 hour seminar went straight over my head, and the only detail which seems to have stayed with me is some stupid statement some girl (who is dangerously verging on the border between skinny and anorexic) made about the difference between British film and English film being Hugh Grant...what??? And as if that aint bad enough, it looks like all my lecture and seminar notes for this course are gonna be a jibberish jumble of inconclusive half-sentences, because Clare Brant keeps trailing into herself when she's talking. So basically something she's saying would look a bit like this... Followed by a smile, to herself. No, no full stop.

Other than that, so far its same ol same ol:
~Odd silences with people I am ACQUAINTED not FRIENDS with;
~Enthusiastic Harry is being annoying again;
~Man I don't know anyone in this seminar;
~Maybe if I keep my mouth shut and look bored they won't know I don't know jack;
~Enthusiastic Harry is looking increadibly smug about having made his stupid comment;
~Ah, everyone's laughing, maybe that was a joke. quick must put on vaguely amused smile;
~Everyone except me is organised and is reading all the texts;
~Will someone shut enthusiastic Harry up please;
~Doodle. Doodle. Doo...ooh look, Masba's drawn a funny picture on her pad;
~Crap Joshua!
~God, it was a mercy to have had forgotten how disgusting the guys on the other side of the screen in the prayer room sound....augh; ...and so forth :)

I might add that there has been an increse in 'crap Joshua' s lately coz The guy is absolutely everywhere in my face. Not only is he in 2 of my lectures already, but as if that aint enough I came out of stupid Brit. Lit. and film today, with a big scowl on my face, truding to the prayer room in the height of my misery, and who do I come face to face with on turning the corner in the second basement? Yes. Him. And I thought I was gonna jump out of my new rocks. Now you tell me how the hell I'm supposed to get over my stupid crush? HA? HA?!

Ehem. I Walked all the way to and back from Senet house lib. today, which I'm rather proud of, and I have Misba to thank for that. hmmm, speaking of which, where is Misba I wonder?
Ah! I got a tx from her. She says she's is in the Room of prayer :)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of, Waste Your Time, I'm your host, El-e-freRA(H) like the Rah in RahXephon or the Ra as in the ancient Egyptian God, who was murdured in his old age by his power crazed grandaughter, Isis the Goddess of Magic, and fashioner of those nasty litle slithery things we call snakes today. What is the relevance of all this Mythology crap? There is non whatsoever-rer-rer. Am I high? Indeed I am, I'm high on Lychee drink.
In anycase, getting back to our programe, today I would like to declare that there is nothing more shit and pointless than TV. and thats all I have to say. any requests for further elaboration, my be forwarded on to me at my email address.
My second decleration of the day is thus:
Revenge of the fallen angel was promised to be taken out on man. His battle-grounds, moved to the souls of man kind.
Revenge of the fallen angel, however, is not as glamorous as they've been making out since the beggining of the world.
Satan is not as hopelessly romantic as us, it seems...instead, I think he's just increadibly efficient.
No outright revolts against hevean, Milton style. oh no. In fact, I imagine Satan had a good laugh when he read that piece of idealistic 'WHAT-DA HELL?', clinging to the pitiful excuse of an epic poem. and will someone tell me what the point of 'Paradise regained' was? didn't Milton know that sequals have been out of fashion since Haloween?
any way, gettng back to Satan... yes, Satan, who, mind you, is boring as hell, has been quite the man of leasure for some few hundred years. I say this, because I've made an observation about how he works. Like I said, he's terribly efficient, and the best was to destroy human potential, without breaking out in a sweat is simply, to put the human race to sleep.
Yep. The world is infested with Zombies. We are all sleeping so deeply, we might as well be dead. We are living like ants, in a little ant city, under ground. crawling through its tunnels day and night. burrowing deeper and by the rules and laws of this brittle structure, because we are all afraid that if we don't, it'll all crumble and colapse over our heads.
And I ask you now? Would that be such a bad thing? Maybe when everything is sweapt away, we'll realise, with no dirt city over our heads; damn the world above ground is huge.
And as for my point...there must be a point after all of this right? well...err..I don't know if I can make it without sounding like an evangelist.. :( but u know what, screw that, Tim Winter says: 'what came first, Insufferable preaching, or its subject matter?'
And so, I say: Wake up neo!
I'm launching a 'beat the system' movement. It's called 'Operation-open-your-eyes.'
...who's with me?

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Found a £10 note in Capitain Corellis Mandolin- except, its got Charles Dickens on it...musta put it there a loooong time ago.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Tasks of the day:

The former office idiot, soon to be 3rd year KCL student who shall point and snigger at all the freshies at uni, in aproximately 2 weeks time when term starts (whoopee!), has today:
1) begged her local area housing officer to not kick her out of her new flat for not paying a single instalment of rent since she moved in;
2) sent the tax office an "F you, aint paying your damn taxes!" reply in the form of a letter which states that I am in full time education;
3) and gone down to Japan center to put and add for private English tuition for dem little Nihonjins who are willing to pay an unqualified teacher-cum-student to teach them bad words, and increadibly intellegent insults (Wilde style) in English :)
And while I was doing that, guess what I stubled upon at HMV Picadilly Cricus..THE LAST VOLUME OF FRUITS BASKET! I didn't even know it would have reached shops!

A glorious day for the sad and peniless anime fan.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Day: The day before a blasted hena party I so don't want to go to, but I so should, coz it would be so rude if i didn't. (Yes. I dislike weddings and hena partys, and hen nights, and other such silly little excuses, stupid mortals invent in order to get together an rejoice over practically nothing at all...Bible style.)
Time: 13:43 (no snide remarks this time.)
Location: Uni. Strand building. Lower Basement 1.

In a while I have to go talk to DOT '.' -humanities department secretary- about dropping stupid Australian lit. which I didn't even ask for, but which some stupid course assigning dude put on my 3rd year course list, coz he thought it would be increadibly funny.

And then I have to trek across wterloo bridge, to the waterloo campus where I must collect a letter which I am to use as proof showing that I'm a student in full time education, and therefore, not liable to pay tax. It is times like this that I hate this country. You know, just coz its the 21st century don't mean we no longer have any use for a Robbin Hood. And it was precisely this thought, while I sat in the 91 bus this morning, funming at the tax bill sent to me, which lead me to start fantasizing about a 21st century Robbin Hood. So I've decided to develope a prototype.

right, and dat concludes it...
I am on pott.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

DAY: Wednesday- the second day my dad decided to ditch me for some busness he had to attend to after flying half way across the world from Dubai with the intention to spend 'quality time with his kids' among other things.
TIME: 19:01 - and it was so difficult for me to type that coz the damn 9 key on this key board is broken...which means no brakets either!
LOCATION: Internet Cafe

So what did I do after dad ditched me? Pshaw! I went to Camden Town ofcourse, and spent money which doesn't belong to me! Right now I have Saimecan here with me and she is looking increadibly bored, so I will let her write something.
ELEST: Saimecan! behave urself!
SAIMECAN: no sis, that indeed was the FBI code to hack into their nuclear bomb plant network main frame.
And then she fell off the roof...just as she was eating her icecream.
good bye.
ELEST: ...right..ok. so any way, as I was saying. I spent money :)
SAIMECAN: yes, and i was there tooo...LOTSSS OF MONEYYY!!!
ELEST: oi don't make me feel worse than I already do, it wasn't that lots.
What am I doing now? I am waiting for my time to run out and also for Asma to show up with some questionaire she filled out for me on behalf of her dad. Who is her dad, and what buisness do I have with him? NON OF YOUR FIRGGIN BUISNESS! A POX O' YOUR INQUISITIVENESS!
ELEST: shut up kid! ok got a call from Asma. gotta dash now.
