Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I wish I could go to sleep now and not wake up tomorrow morning.

There's no escape from the slave catcher's songs.
For all of the loved ones gone,
Forever's not so long.
And in your soul, it poked a million holes
but you never let 'em show
And you already know,
Yes, you already know how this will end.

- Devotchka : How it ends -

Monday, January 30, 2006

That night he dreamed of a ship in the sea
That would carry his father and he
To a place they would never be found
To a place far away from this town
A Newcastle ship without coals
They would sail to the Island of Souls

Sting: Island of Souls

Screw grammar because life has no full stops

(If it did, I would have put one on a warm sandy scented night;

the taste of sweat on your upper lip and running home;
chlorine smell of swimming pools, dune hills and hating Sting before I knew who he was.
(See how self-indulgently stupid things look with all those comas and semi-colons?))

Friday, January 27, 2006



'...of whom to ask Which way the nearest coast of darkness lies'
-John Milton-

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Pre-first English lesson:

They're coming to take me away. Ha ha!
They're coming to take me away. He he!
Ha ha. Ho ho. He he. Ha haaa!
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time.
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats.
They're coming to take me away, Ha haaa!

-Dr. Demento : The Funny Farm

Sunday, January 22, 2006

'You and I drift further and further apart. I've...had to do some things. Do some things differently. I make my heart harder, colder, stronger. I stand before a door that will never open. Still, I knock on it for eternity. And you will remain you: beautiful, young. And I will grow older. I will grow older alone.'

-Voices of a Distant Star

Sound: 'Maps' - Yeah yeah yeahs
Smell: Something yum.
Sensation: Tired (Insomnia). Insomnia (Thinking too much). Thinking too much (Angsting). Angsting (Chrono Crusade...among other things) ... this Blogspot is called OnigiriPathos for a reason. -DON'T "YOU'RE SUCH A 12 YEAR-OLD" ME! This is not teen-hormones-angsting, I'm pulling a Donnie Darko!
But I have no giant Bunny.
I've cut my hair.

Smell: It's CURRY!
Fears: ...I better not say.
Less scary fears: Facing a classroom full of foreign older-than-me students on Tuesday.

I'm gonna go watch Underworld II with Sis and Bro now, because the best way to drive away very important but frightening thoughts that are so bloody loud upstairs, you can't even read a book in peace anymore, is to blare out the noise with something noisier - namely, cheap, often-witless entertainment.

Friday, January 13, 2006

All is at peace in London town the evning of Friday the 13th 2006...and we, its inhabitants, seem to be happy.
...Happy the way you are when you're avvoiding to think about the future after having read an email from Olga (-in Bahrain), who is actively trying to do something to bennefit mankind.
...Happy the way you are, as you walk over Waterloo bridge sharing a coat with a freezing Saimecan who's left hers at home, and trying to see the beautiful, lit sky line from beyond a blaring traffic jam of too-many-thoughts and anxieties.
...Happy the way you are, when you've spent a few hours with your dad, for the first time in months, and then put him on a bus, but not before he says what he always does instead of Goodbye: 'I'll talk to you. Yeah?'
...Happy the way you are when the friendly bacteria HOWARU (trade mark of Marks & Spencers) is caring for your well being, from the precincts of your banana smoothie.

You're right Tarik, we're not victims.

I'm gonna save the world. And I'm gonna die a beautiful, meaningful death.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-ssssssssssssssssssss-ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-sssssssssss? ... sssss.
(The Producers)

Listening to live performance video of Jyojyoushi, L'arc-en-ciel. (Haido rocks)

I have nothing to say.
This is me taking a break from pre-course learning task of too much grammar.

Here's what I found in the 'terms and conditions' fine print of the Telewest Broadband E-billing service form. (Note, I don't usually read fine prints. In fact, I never read fine prints -which got me to wonder, this time around, if I might be missing out on something.)

5. Telewest accepts liability in full for any personal injury or death caused by its negligence and for any fraudulent misrepresentation. However, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Telewest hereby excludes any and all other liabilities and/or responsibilities and disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise relating to the E-Billing service, the information contained on it and/or its use.


In the unlikely event that you get dead or hurt because of our E-billing service, we will take full responsibility for it. (for everything else that may befall you because of our E-billing service, we won't.)

That's almost as funny as the giant telephone with giant for-certified-blind-people buttons that my mom got. The BT Big Button 100- comes only in one colour: white, for the ultimate shock effect.

Speaking of mommy, she wore my NewRocks while going out earlier on, coz her own boots got soaked in the rain.
Mom: Wow, this is cool! -oh wait, I think I'm getting dizzy.
Hope she's fine.

Honey Greek youghurt is nice. It's even nicer with maple syrup cereal clusters.
Formage Frais isn't.
Don't accidentially buy formage frais instead of cottage cheese.
And don't ever eat the formage frais with maple syrup cereal clusters, just coz you think you need to consume it and don't know how.