Friday, January 28, 2005

Two words: Immortal. Rain.
An exclamation:
A whole sentence: I have never cried over a manga like I did last night, since Ororon died.
A declaration: I Love Rain.
A loss for words: ...
A cue for someones snot-rag: (sniffle..sniffle)

[rudely interfeering unknown narrator]- Hello, I am a rudely interfeering unknown narrator, rudely interfeering in this blog, because Elest is too griefe stricken and overwhelemed to say anyting right now. If I rudely, and presumptuously try and venture a guess as to what is wrong with her, I would probably say that she appears to be crying, and I assume it has something to do with the Manga she was reading last night, while she should in fact, have been reading 'King Lear'. [rudely interfeering unknown narrator turns to the snivveling Elest] See, that's what happens when you don't do your work.
[Elest]- Piss off! You've ruined my dramatic moment...who the hell are you any way?!
[rudely interfeering unknown narrator]- To be quite honest with you I'm not sure, but I can't spell very well...rather curious that, wouldn't you agree?
[Elest]- Grrrrrrrr!
[rudely interfeeting unknown narrator]- one question though, before I do as you, so politely, asked me to.
[Elest] What!?
[rudely interfeering unknown narrator] If you're Elest and I'm the rudely interfeering unknown narrator, who's writing within the square brackets?


Thursday, January 27, 2005

What ho! What ho! What ho!

Antonin Artaud was a sick little Frenchman- physically and mentally. but then there is no doubt about this any way, everyone knows that. the guy spent World War II in a mental asylum, for god's sake, while the likes of James Joyce were writing Ulessys (arguably also rather psychotic, which leads me to wonder if all of this had something to do with the times).
So the million-dollar-question is; Why 'am we' being subjected to the inner workings of his mind?! And how healthy is it to be forcing ourselves to draw some sense out of his heroin induced, Dali-painting thoughts, which in the end, just amount to a load of banality apparently?
Elest has a natural inclination towards insanity, she doesn't need stuff like this to push her off the edge. And, Most importantly, she doesn't want to be a foul-mouthed cheese eating knight (I never swear!), she wants to be a Unicorn...and she will tell John Stokes thus :)

Now visualise a half empty seminar class of bleary eyed studnets, monotonously reading out utterly uninteligible lines, with a measure of shock and embarrasment in their voices, as Elest skipps about the room neighing and doing unicorn stuff- experimental theatre style. Stokes will be so proud, Elest will get a first, and Artaud will make sumersaults and cartwheels of sheer joy in his grave, because he has succeeded.

We are all mad, and we expect to be taken seriously.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

She loved me for the dangers I had passed,
And I loved her that she did pitty them.

Last night I was, on the verge of tears, and Jack's utter appreciation of Othello. Right now, Post-Jacobean Shakespeare seminar, I can earnestly say I am Jack's further utter appreciation of Othello. Here, 3rd and final year, 2nd and final term, is where I pause to remind myself that I am actually enjoying my degree, and that I will be at a great loss when it all ends. Yet before I start moaning about not knowing what to do with my life again, in fear of this blog being yet another bout of Elestian misery, I will change the subject: and tell you about the presentation I had to do on Othello in todays seminar; it went thus...

Gordon: Elest, were you going to say something?
Elest: Uh uh
Gordon: You sure? I thought I heard what sounded like the beginning of a word there?
Elest: (shakes her head)
Gordon: Oh, alright then.

Me thinks I will miss Gordon.
...yawn..its 8:38. Elest finished at 3:00 today, but she doesn't wants to go home to cold, empty flat; yesterday's food; the silence that mocks at the sounds coming out of her lap-top speakers, of an ignored film playing in a futile attempt to make noise; and the loneliness of Japanese homewrok. So instead Elest sits in front of a PC at uni and seeks solace in a bar of dairy milk chocolate, reminding herself all the time, that she must cut back on the junk food.
I am Jack's wasted life and wasted dreams.

-Meanwhile I am also: skint; hating men, including my father; seriously challenged in the articulation department; not getting any work/reading done out of sheer lack of a motivation to live; looking for distractons and fixes of temporary happiness; and generally rather pissed off at myself. Thank you.
Now isn't there any new Manga coming out this month? hmmm, must check and compile the poor and obsessive manga/anime fan's wish list, of 'things-I-will-buy-with-money-that-does-not-belong-to-me'.

Huden abla, is you gonna come back for you Phd? I'm so alone :(

Ps. In today's soliloquy, Sarah said answer me this: Are we the things that go bump in the night? (or do we just bump back?)
And Elest answered: I'm just bumping back at the racket life won't stop making at me, so sucks to old, and easily irritable neighbours.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Hello. Had first lesson of the second term today! yeeees. and I had to be at uni at 10:00 on a monday morning, for it too...which didn't work out of course, walked into a dark class 15 minutes late and stubled over peoples feet with the projector light shining into my eye, until i could find somewhere to sit. yes, there was a projector. yes, there were many pictures of old landscape paintings by Constable and Turner and what have you. Over all impression?
I am Jack's complete and utter lack of interrest.
A few weeks down the line, it's quite likely that I will be Jack's infintile boredom...but we'll see.
Have I watched Fight Club recently? yes. why do u ask?
owww..I'm in pain and I'm tired and I'm hungry. I'm gonna go now.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hello...yes, there is a new post here. Yes I have added Sarah Bunny to my list of affiliates, and yes I've actually had some timme on my hands to spend on this site...which could only mean one thing:
I am back! -after 2 weeks of essay writing, and I would like to declare, to all of you who love me (though I'd be damned if I know why) that I am alive and still remarkably sane in the 'what wit he has is as dry as the last biscute at the end of a journey' (don't 'what tha?' me, I'm attempting to quote from the bard here!) kinda way :) ...and speaking of the bard, towards the end of my cruel, solitary confinement, and among other things like smiling to myself and making up people in my mind to speak to, I started finding Shakespeare increadibly funny. picture this, from Troilus and Cressida- the Last Act, and Hector, the merciful hero, is out on the battlefeild looking for his next worthy oponant to fight with, and he finds Thersites, a cynical slave, who hasn't done much but rail, throughout the entire play.

HECTOR: What art thou, greek? Art thou for Hector's match?
Art thou of blood and honour?
THERSITES: No, no, I am a rascal, a scurvy railing knave, a very filthy rogue.

I do believe thee- live.

HA HA HA HAAAA!...HAA HAAA..HA HA HA HAAaaaa..ok FINE I shut up, just quit staring at me like that..jeez.
So any way, whats been up since I was away hmm? Nothing new, whats been up with Elest?..oh I thought you'd never ask, I'll tell you. During these past 2 weeks elest has:
  • been initiated into the unfortunate group of individuals who are so direly beyond help and hope in their obsession for O.C., by no other than Tas- thanx man, I owe u one!
  • Watched James Bond and watched James Bond and watched James Bond- until; she memorised all the dialogue.
  • Ordered some manga which turned out to be so imensely shi- crap, words fall short of expressing it.
  • Started finding Goldfinger disturbingly charismatic- "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" -in spite of his complete un-attractiveness!
  • recieved a letter from the embassy of Japan calling her for an interview on the 21st AAAAAARGH!
  • Eaten 2 tubs of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream.
  • ..and (brace youselves for her greatest achievement yet...drum roll) Screwed up her hair in an attempt to bleach it white. (Ta da!)

...Yes, the blasted thing has gone and turned blond- and not just bimbo blond, but a blond which would need a very good lawyer in a court of law, if it was ever accused of being vaguely orange. In fact it's the colour of Hyde's bad bleach job in the 'Forbidden Lover' video clip (For those of you who've been fortunate enough never to have been subjected to it, I'll try to find a pic and post it here, so u can see.)- which leads me to think that this is some form of divine retribution, coz of all those time I took the piss outa Hyde. In fact, you know the last time my hair got screwed up was also his fault to! Damn everything that goes wrong with my hair is HIS FAULT!

In any case, and seeing as we are on the subject of Hyde, I'd like to draw your attention to a product of my time wasted on this Blog: the Click Me section, has now been transformed into the Adventures of Hyde section- since my last idea didnt seem all too popuular. As of today, I will post different pictures of little Haido getting up to all manner of interresting things. My aim is to make u smile! :) let me know if it aint working. and if anyone finds any funny pictures which are begging to be complimented with a caption (and they don't have to be Hyde, I intend to broaden my horizons eventually) please feel free to pass it on so I can post it here :) thanx :)

ok. me thinks me should get a move on now, coz I'm going over to my Grandma's and if I turn up late, grandpa will not be a happy Cypriot bunny. So until next time my friends. Take care of yourselves and your hobbitses.