Monday, June 05, 2006

I heeeeeeeaaar Viiiii-OOO-Linnnnnns

Tonight I had a realisation...nay, an epiphany (it all began arround 11:somtehing in the car park of our flats, and ended very promptly).
This is what it was:
No matter how much one tries to fool onesself or justify it, keeping a blog is self-indulgent and a tad pretentious.
-Yes. It doesn't have to start 'Dear diary' or be about Mr. Rochester to qualify as a journal. And fine, we do sometimes talk about deep and terrible things, but ultimately this blog is about me, right? And writing about me on a weekly/daily basis, is an undeniabley self-indulgent thing to be doing, right?
And so there was a 12th comandment after the 11th; 'don't change'. This is what it was:
Thou shalt not subject innocent cyber-space bystanders to the enterior workings of thy twisted mind, nor the mundane trivialities of thine own existence.
Thus, from this day forth, Elle est stoned and star gazing decided that this blog will not be about ME.
'twill be about Boris.

Some information on the origin of Boris follows:
Boris, by all accounts is a fictional figment of my father's alliteration...I mean imagination, who's never tired of trying to convince his children otherwise. Nor has he tired of offerring numerous details of said Boris's life, each more outrageous than the last. The truth is yet to be revealed, but whether or not Boris existed, it is certain that he isn't doing any such thing presently.
According to my father, Boris is dead.
You see, Boris was a one legged, Prussian, World War 2 veteran and a very good drinking buddy. After the war Boris used to suffer from very vivid dreams about getting his missing leg back, which would cause him to jump out of bed with excitment in the mornings, only to fall flat on his face.
One day, in his old age, Boris had a car accident crossing the road, and ended up losing his other leg aswell. Not long after, he dreamt that this time he had both his legs back, jumped out of the hospital bed in his usual flurry of excitment, and fell on his face again, for the last time. He died in hosptial of brain damage.

As of tonight, this is the Blog of Boris, whose story above is as my father told it to me. What follows contains the takings of numerous liberties, and fictional aditives which are not good for your health. Wathch for the 'E' numbers, and Lecitin -make sure it's soya.

...And last but not least, to comemorate this farewell to self indulgence, and hello to utter absurdity of Boris-ness, a very bold dedication to the one person I blog about least or never at all, because sometimes we don't do the things we want to do most, so people don't know we want to do them: ...

I'm your host from the Blog of Boris, good night, and farewell for now.

Saturday, June 03, 2006


iT'S a bEaUTifuL daY aND i'M OWWWCHing aT HomE.
I wanted to go to Hampstead Heath with Huden and Daoud.
ha? nO, i dON't wAnt aNy mORe's made me feel sick.
(twidles thumbs)

Right...this calls for some productiveness which doesn't involve me having to move from my seat. ...oi, this isn't my laptop...this is Huden's...where's my laptop? Ah, I spy it under the sofa. The sofa is across the room. Do I get up and get it myself...or do a start wailing and moaning to get Saimecan to come here from the other room? Nah, I aint that shallow. ...So. Do I get up now, or do I wait for a bit? Do I do it in one sudden movement and leap across the room and back to the sofa, or do I do it very slowly? ...Oh damn, now I gotta pee.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Today I saw a woman playing solitaire on her iPod.
I'm ashamed to be a part of this.

'The Matrix has you Neo' ...and it offers your mind not a moment of freedom. This is the occupation of Television screens on busses, gossip/beauty magazines (one glance at the cover of someone elses giving you an eye-full of Jordan to last you a week(...why do I even know this sorry little excuse of a woamn's name?)), PSPs, larger than life advertising blaring at you from every corner of the city in which you reside; selling you everything from looks to a life style...
And meanwhile I'm confused about my priorities when I get pissed off at the megaphone man at Picadilly Circus (now). Every man has his own wares. This one is trying to sell me a joke at the expense of religion...and oh, the degree of stigma attached to that word thanks to the likes of himself. But 'which came firts: intolerant preaching or its subject-matter?' -Tim Winters

Yet, one can find wisdom in all things.
Fast, think, wait -Hermann Hesse Sidhartha
...and adopt a state of mind, the likes of which is the iPod-ers very own. for 3 good reasons:
  • Because this refuse of a world is always beautiful to the sound of music.
  • Because little stinging things are easier to overlook when your mind is in ecstasy...and if they do more than just sting, then they're so much more poetic to those beats; the tragedy rings with hightened verse.
  • And Because you can't hear people being stupid or mean to you can't hate them. And even if you can, you still don't hate them, coz their muffled, mean little words are coming from some far off place, too below this higher plain in which you're experiencing something sublime. instead you pity them, and hope that they too, will one day have an iPod in their otherwise drab and meaningless lives.

...and if you can't tell that all of this is an extended metaphore for something else, you should be ashamed of yourself. And you should sit in that corner and think very hard about it. Yes, that one. Now.

(And yes, I've editted this. so bite me, like!)