Monday, February 20, 2006

--We regret to inform you, that for reasons beyond our control, the below blog could not be published at the time of its composition. We apologize for any inconvenience, and re-publish it now--

(1:00-somethingish pm)
Think Publishing intern, repoting from our snazzy offices at Ladbroke Grove.
I am on my break.
So far...

  • I've been introduced to the people here. One of the guys I'll be
    working under, Matt, is well nice! I quote: "Elest, do you need to
    pray?" -nice. :) And he seems to be one of those very intellegent,
    knows-everything-interresting-but-otherwise-useless, comic book nerds!
    He co-put together 'The Little Green Book of Big Green Ideas' (one of
    the stuff the publish here) among other things, and I suspect the Lord
    of the Rings collector's figures on the shelf behind me, belong to
    him. I shall introduce him to the inner geek in me!
  • and I've spent most my morning carrying out the first task Matt gave
    me: namely, researching the dates of the all time greatest Low-Budget
    Horror and Sci-Fi Films. Amongst which, are such gems with titles
    like: 'Attack of the Giant Leeches', 'Creature with the atom brain',
    'Feind without a face', 'Attack of the 50 ft woman', 'Eegah!', and my
    personal favourate, 'the brain that wouldn't die!' Yes, I've been
    keeping myself thoroughly amused :)

...Ok, will get over myself now, and get back to researching these Horror films.
I leave you with: This place Rocks! Al!
Over and out.

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