Sunday, June 26, 2005

Day: 26 June 2005- Sunday(It's been a month since I turned 22. Still no significant occurance in my life, unless it somehow escaped my attention.)

Time: 15:22

Location: Bedroom.

Sounds: Polonaise...and Saimecan bickerring on about how when we were small and we were playing a game I'd tell her I was bored and leave at the most important part. She can be so begrudging sometimes...MAAAN, AND NOW SHE'S VACCUMING THE ROOM AT ME! She's seriously intent on ruining my music!

Smells: Cooking. It used to be lentills and rice but since my Great aunt and Grandmother came down and found their way into the kitchen, it's become a curious mixture of other things too.

Feelings: Pissed off at the stupid mosqiuto that bit me last night. Yes, still.

Aspirations: To sort out the family photo albums in the attic.

Long term aspirations: To acquire a very maniac smile. :) ...nah that didn't work, I need more practice.

Something meaningful: Apparently you have to starve a chicken for a day before you slaughter it. And apparently very enlightened Buddhist monks used to stop eating when they knew they were going to die. Now the question is; how do we know they weren't just starving themselves to death? ...Is this called scepticism, cynicism(AAH! Mom took the nuttella jar away, Iwas still gonna finger lick that!) or just disilusionment?

oh and also...I'm becoming more like my dad. and I need to go pee now.

meanwhile the strangest thing encounterred me the other day when I least expected it...

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...As you will gather this p..ed me off very much, so this is what I did to it.

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